Lease photocopier machines
(Schools, Nurseries, Colleges & Academies)
For Schools, Nurseries, Colleges & Academies buying or leasing photocopiers and printers, Camelott is a forward thinking Managed Print Solutions Company that has put together an interactive range of products and services that are specifically relevant to the Education Sector.
Our print solutions allow full integration with the latest Technology and Software such as PaperCut and EPA to give a far better experience, while still allowing monitoring and ultimately control of your costs.
Unlike many manufacturer owned companies, Camelott is completely independent and this is a big advantage, as no one manufacturer has the best equipment across its entire range. Working with our world-renowned partners, Camelott can pick the right machine for a particular location regardless of who’s make it is, allowing flexibility and a seamless solution with a much better experience.
We look at your whole solution of printing, copying and scanning to ensure a complete solution of what your current needs are. This approach saves money and improves the facilities in the areas you need it.
The environment is a large part of our offering and it can be really surprising the difference we can make in this regard. If your school is committed to going net zero or reducing your carbon footprint let us show you real life data of the potential savings your educational establishment can save click here: Epson ECO Comparison Report here for more information.